Thursday, January 05, 2006


Oh my god... I had such a relaxed day today. I don't know what came over me. I was actually quite busy with all kinds of stuff, but I just felt so relaxed... haven't felt in such a way for a long time. It's like some butterflies are flying inside of me, like I'm in love... except I'm not.

It feels like I'm high on tranquility. Like a bomb of happiness exploded inside of me... if that's the case, well start bombing my soul, coz it feels addictive.
Being a cooking-freak, I can almost get this same feeling while being in the kitchen. Experimenting with differents tastes, combining them in unconventional ways, and being busy with that for hours in a row... it just gives me this divine, blissful feeling of pure passion and delight... I just don't know how to describe it. I guess that you have to know, have to understand, what I'm talking about, to understand what kind of feeling I'm trying to express. Maybe the feeling of being in love does come closest.
Well, maybe I should fall in love again, so I can carry this feeling with me 24/7.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow.. high on tranquility! Please tell me how to do that! Then I'll probably sleep forever...