Saturday, January 07, 2006

Maxim (Colour)

When people are disheartened, depondent, when they are a little depressed, or anything like that, I tend to say to them that life is colourful, and that they should see life as black and white. Of course that's interpretable in different ways, but for that reason this motto is useful in almost every condition. Life can seem gray, or black and white. But I believe that there's always a little bit of colour to find. And if you can find that little piece of colour (a friend, a thought), then you've found the place, the core, from where you can start giving the rest of your life colour, or from where you can find out, that life actually always is coloured.
You don't here me say that you have to see life as 100% coloured, but as long as you can at least see a little bit of it, then you've got something to hold on to.

This maxim of mine actually arose from a childrens poem. It's dutch, but I'll try to translate it as good as possible.

Als je goed om je heen kijkt
Zie je dat alles geleurd is
Dus zie het leven niet zwart-wit
Weet dat overal kleur in zit
(Door K. Schippers)

If you take a good look around
You'll see that everything is coloured
So don't see life as black and white
Know that everything contains colour
(Translated from K. Schippers)

Well, my english translations sucks, as it sounds much better in dutch, but in the end it contains the same message.

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