This sunday it happens... it took me a quarter of a century to get there. Yes: I'm gonna be 25 years old... OMG!!! I'm gonna be OLD! Help!But on the other side... you're as old as you feel yourself. At least, that's what they say. Well, I hope it's true... coz I definitely don't feel 25. I feel younger, but the more I think of the fact that I'm turning 25, the more I feel myself 25. But, there's also a good thing about getting older, at least in my case. First of all, I'm getting somewhere in my life: Look at this, I'm sharing stuff with people I don't even know! That would have been seen as an impossibility, if I would have done that 2 years ago. But I'm also getting wiser... the older people get, the more knowledge of life they get. Not that that's always a positive thing, but at least you can implement it in the future (yes, even 25-year-olds have a future)...Okay, I'll stop grumbling, as I'm not getting anywhere with it. I'll just have to accept it... there's no other option (well there is, but that's not an option as well)/ I'll just have my birthday this sunday, and forget about it as soon as possible. My life-trend is increasing, and that's not going to be ruined by a stupid birthday. That's for sure.
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