Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Year

I just walked into the new year (a couple of days ago actually), along with the rest of the world.

Normally I tend to speak in a negative way about those huge festivities, but I think New Years Eve is something special to me. Not because of the change of year, and not because of the champaign or the other stuff around it. And especially not becauze of the good intentions... But for some reason at new years eve everybody gets into this special mood which spreads across the world. And it looks genuine, not like the fake intimacy with Christmas, which I wrote about in my previous post.

This year my new years eve party was a special one again. Together with some others I organized a New Years Event, and 18 people from all over Europe came to Utrecht, to celebrate with us (read more about it in my AEGEE-Blog). I really had such a good time. As so often I just can't find the words to express my feeling about it, but I really enjoyed it. Together with the participants, the organizers, the other AEGEE-Utrecht members and with this global 'positive-energy-vibe' my new years eve was almost perfect.

I never have good intentions because of some occurrence, I just have them or I don't. The same for wishes people good things: I don't wish it coz of the new year for example, but I wish it coz I mean it. For that reason I never send Christmascards or birthdaycards. So what I'm going to write now, is not because of 2006, but just because other people's new-years-wishes make made me think of it again...

Dear family, friends, acquituaintances and you, dear reader of my blog:

I wish you the life you want to live it, and never get lost in this maze we call life. I hope you'll recieve the warmth and love from the people around you, and that you'll give them back some of yours. I wish you to always stay yourself, and let others be themselves. And last but not least, I hope you'l have the abilities and luck on your way, to live this way year after year after year... for the rest of your life.

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