Tuesday, January 24, 2006


From door to door, it takes me almost an hour to get to my work (Bike, intercity-tram, bus, and some walking). And it's amazing how much you can see during that 60 minutes. Well, the first 10 minutes I'm freezing my ass of on my bike, and I'm only focused on the road, but especially the part in the tram is quite, well, let's say 'interesting'. Some people you see every day. And a lot of them have their own habbits: some of them always try to get the same seat every day, and some of them nearly miss the tram every day, because they have to smoke their cigarette at the platfom, and don't pay attention to the time.

People even recognize eachother. Some of the persons I see dayly give you this glance which says: 'I do recognize you... we're the same. We're going to do the same thing, like sheep in a hurdle'. Well, those glances are absolutely right, we ARE gregarious animals. We live in this grey mass... working our asses of and try to reach our goals, as far as we have them.

But to get back to the main subject: There's so much to see. People with the word 'boredom' stamped on to their forehead, or people who's eyes show the aversion towards another passenger who is telling her friend all the weekends juicy details on the phone. People who stare out of the window, not seeing what's happening outside, but only seeing what their thought let them see. Sometimes I wish I could read minds.

And then, after you've arrived at your work, settled behind your desk, evrybody around you is happy again, and doing his job, or getting some coffee for the other collegues with a big smile on their face. And you just know that at least a part of it is one big façade... and that, when they're travelling home, together with the rest of the hurdle of commuters, they will behave the same like the people I saw that morning. Dreaming of the good times that have passed, and dreaming of all that still may come... just like me.

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