Friday, June 09, 2006


Summer arrived... finally! And now I have to be at the lab from 9.00h till 17.00h during working days :(. But at least I took a on and a half hour break this afternoon. So my gostly-white skin became a little red-ish, haha, but luckily not sun-burned... even though I expect to be after this weekend. Yeah well, I hope that I'll have at least some tan at the end of the summer, otherwise nobody will see me again this winter (with my white camouflage-colour for snow).

But with the summer in town I really get the holliday feeling in my veins. Not that I didn't have that before (can't wait to go to Slovenia, but of course that's not only coz of the holliday feeling). The only thing is that my original vacation plans are not to be accomplished probably. My plan to visit Poland, Czech Republik, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia and Bosnia, can be redirected to the trash can, as my liquidity doesn't allow me to go there. So now I'm trying to make a change of plans. I hope that very soon I'll be able to shed some light on my new plans.

Well... there's no sense in staying in here any longer, the sun is shining, and the temperatures are rising to 25˚C and above, so I'm gonna move my ass to the park, and get some more sunburned, hehe.

[Posted in: Utrecht, Netherlands ]

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