Sunday, June 18, 2006

The Pretender

I made another astounding discovery!! It has all to do with the World Chamionship football in Germany.

Every now and then on the football field somebody gets hurt: a collision, elbow in the face, somebody pulled over, fist in the stomach or a knee in the balls... it all happens and it's nothing special to see. It's part of the sport, and it will always be. BUT... no matter how hard somebody gets hurt there's always one miraculous medicine... but i'm gonna keep it a secret for just a little longer.

Whenever somebody stumbles out of the field for medical attention, or whenever somebody gets carried away on a stretcher, they will be back in the game within a minute again: This all makes sense, because the team is weaker with one player less. And for this some very intelligent people in a hidden laboratory found THE sollution, it's time to reveal it to the world I think; They call it: 'The Wet Sponge'!! You don't believe me? Watch the matches... the first second, one is lying on the floor in agony outside the field, the second after that, The Wet Sponge is dropped on the face of this poor guy, and the third second... tadaaah!! He's ready to go again!! That's what I call a miracle... they should start selling it one TellSell! I think it will become the most succesfull product ever. And what's more... when The Wet Sponge is empty you can refill it!!! Isn't that amazing (Mike)?

Hmmm... enough sarcasm for today... I think i made my point.

[Posted in: Utrecht, Netherlands ]

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