Saturday, June 17, 2006


Do you know this show on television where you have to call and thenthere's a 'chance' (like 0,01%) that you'll come on television, and that you have to answer some stupid question... Well... I hate them. And I hate the show hosts even more... But then, how do I know this? Yeah... I watch it every now and then, shame on me. Alway they're trying to convince you that nobody is watching the show, coz it's in the middle of the night, "and everybody"is asleep". Yeah? So? Why are you broadcasting then? Is it me or am I the one who is stupid? So what they are actually saying is that from 16 million people in the Netherlands I'm the only one watching the show: Cool! My private show!

Confession 1: Yesterday I was watching it again in the middle of the night. Confession 2: I actually thought, well, what the heck, let's just give it a try, so I called the number. And believe it or not, even though I was the only person watching at that moment (according to the show host that is) I didn't get through... hmmm, how come? The only reason I can come up with is that their definition of 'nobody' is a little bit different. It probably means something like 'tens of thousends of other people'...

Yeah, so another mystery solved by detective Tim... and you know what, you're probably the only one who knows, because as everybody is working or sleeping or eating or whatever: How big would the chance be that anyone is using the internet now? You're probably the only one! ;)

[Posted in: Utrecht, Netherlands ]

1 comment:

@lex said...

I find myself in Amsterdam right now (as a non dutch speaking canadian) and I was wondering what the hell this show was. Thanks for sorta clarifying.

The host is crazy beautiful however.