Yeah... finally it's sure! My vacation plans are completed... It took a lot of organising and rearranging of the original plans, but it's sure now: Macedonia (FYROM) and Slovenia and a short stay in Serbia. So all in all I'l be gone for around 50 days... do I mind? ...well, let me think...NO! Of course not! But I really do think it's a pity that the interrail 'advenrure' didn't go on in the end, but I'm at least as glad with these plans as with the original one... even though I'm not visiting as many countries anymore, but then on the other hand there's someone who's really more than compensating for that. I really hear a lot of people around me talking about their hollidays, and it seems to cheer them up a lot on average. On the other hand they don't really feel like studying anymore, and I can asure you that the weather pays its contribution to that as well. And for me it works exactly the same. Two more weeks to go on university... two more weeks till this (academic) year is finished. But the weeks are worth it of course (I'm a knowlegde-absorbing sponge). And then... if there's someone who should NOT be complaining about it then it would me I guess, as I just started this studies three weeks ago :)Yes... but I'm sooo looking forward to this vacation! I could go on for some longer without it... I'm not tired or so, I'm actualy quite energetic the last couple of months, but the fact that I'll see my love again really makes me live towards it. Two more weeks to. Time is ticking away, and after you, my dear reader, have read this post, another two minutes have passed by... another couple of minutes closer to my dearest...
[Posted in: Utrecht, Netherlands ]
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