Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Strange bird

Ever heard of a bird who can make noises like a photo camera or a chainsaw? Well neither did I... but they seem to exist. Oh, and don't be bored to soon, the strange noises will start after approximately 1 min. 50 sec.

Monday, June 19, 2006


Yeah... finally it's sure! My vacation plans are completed... It took a lot of organising and rearranging of the original plans, but it's sure now: Macedonia (FYROM) and Slovenia and a short stay in Serbia. So all in all I'l be gone for around 50 days... do I mind? ...well, let me think...NO! Of course not! But I really do think it's a pity that the interrail 'advenrure' didn't go on in the end, but I'm at least as glad with these plans as with the original one... even though I'm not visiting as many countries anymore, but then on the other hand there's someone who's really more than compensating for that. I really hear a lot of people around me talking about their hollidays, and it seems to cheer them up a lot on average. On the other hand they don't really feel like studying anymore, and I can asure you that the weather pays its contribution to that as well. And for me it works exactly the same. Two more weeks to go on university... two more weeks till this (academic) year is finished. But the weeks are worth it of course (I'm a knowlegde-absorbing sponge). And then... if there's someone who should NOT be complaining about it then it would me I guess, as I just started this studies three weeks ago :)

Yes... but I'm sooo looking forward to this vacation! I could go on for some longer without it... I'm not tired or so, I'm actualy quite energetic the last couple of months, but the fact that I'll see my love again really makes me live towards it. Two more weeks to. Time is ticking away, and after you, my dear reader, have read this post, another two minutes have passed by... another couple of minutes closer to my dearest...

[Posted in: Utrecht, Netherlands ]

Sunday, June 18, 2006

The Pretender

I made another astounding discovery!! It has all to do with the World Chamionship football in Germany.

Every now and then on the football field somebody gets hurt: a collision, elbow in the face, somebody pulled over, fist in the stomach or a knee in the balls... it all happens and it's nothing special to see. It's part of the sport, and it will always be. BUT... no matter how hard somebody gets hurt there's always one miraculous medicine... but i'm gonna keep it a secret for just a little longer.

Whenever somebody stumbles out of the field for medical attention, or whenever somebody gets carried away on a stretcher, they will be back in the game within a minute again: This all makes sense, because the team is weaker with one player less. And for this some very intelligent people in a hidden laboratory found THE sollution, it's time to reveal it to the world I think; They call it: 'The Wet Sponge'!! You don't believe me? Watch the matches... the first second, one is lying on the floor in agony outside the field, the second after that, The Wet Sponge is dropped on the face of this poor guy, and the third second... tadaaah!! He's ready to go again!! That's what I call a miracle... they should start selling it one TellSell! I think it will become the most succesfull product ever. And what's more... when The Wet Sponge is empty you can refill it!!! Isn't that amazing (Mike)?

Hmmm... enough sarcasm for today... I think i made my point.

[Posted in: Utrecht, Netherlands ]

Saturday, June 17, 2006


Do you know this show on television where you have to call and thenthere's a 'chance' (like 0,01%) that you'll come on television, and that you have to answer some stupid question... Well... I hate them. And I hate the show hosts even more... But then, how do I know this? Yeah... I watch it every now and then, shame on me. Alway they're trying to convince you that nobody is watching the show, coz it's in the middle of the night, "and everybody"is asleep". Yeah? So? Why are you broadcasting then? Is it me or am I the one who is stupid? So what they are actually saying is that from 16 million people in the Netherlands I'm the only one watching the show: Cool! My private show!

Confession 1: Yesterday I was watching it again in the middle of the night. Confession 2: I actually thought, well, what the heck, let's just give it a try, so I called the number. And believe it or not, even though I was the only person watching at that moment (according to the show host that is) I didn't get through... hmmm, how come? The only reason I can come up with is that their definition of 'nobody' is a little bit different. It probably means something like 'tens of thousends of other people'...

Yeah, so another mystery solved by detective Tim... and you know what, you're probably the only one who knows, because as everybody is working or sleeping or eating or whatever: How big would the chance be that anyone is using the internet now? You're probably the only one! ;)

[Posted in: Utrecht, Netherlands ]

Friday, June 09, 2006


Summer arrived... finally! And now I have to be at the lab from 9.00h till 17.00h during working days :(. But at least I took a on and a half hour break this afternoon. So my gostly-white skin became a little red-ish, haha, but luckily not sun-burned... even though I expect to be after this weekend. Yeah well, I hope that I'll have at least some tan at the end of the summer, otherwise nobody will see me again this winter (with my white camouflage-colour for snow).

But with the summer in town I really get the holliday feeling in my veins. Not that I didn't have that before (can't wait to go to Slovenia, but of course that's not only coz of the holliday feeling). The only thing is that my original vacation plans are not to be accomplished probably. My plan to visit Poland, Czech Republik, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia and Bosnia, can be redirected to the trash can, as my liquidity doesn't allow me to go there. So now I'm trying to make a change of plans. I hope that very soon I'll be able to shed some light on my new plans.

Well... there's no sense in staying in here any longer, the sun is shining, and the temperatures are rising to 25˚C and above, so I'm gonna move my ass to the park, and get some more sunburned, hehe.

[Posted in: Utrecht, Netherlands ]