Saturday, May 06, 2006

From Slovenia with Love

Just to let people know I'm still alive: a short post.

I moved my ass temporary to Slovenia. I arrived previous Saturday... and will leave next Tuesday again. For some reason the good things alway have an ending... but on the other hand... also the bad things come to an end. Not that it makes any difference for me; I mean, I really lived towards these days, and I'm really enjoying... but it's so fucked up. Leaving this country for me means leaving the person behind I really love. And if it makes any sense: I'm not leaving her behind in a way that she will be forgotten, I can asure everyone that the opposite will happen.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not being depressed or whatever, I'm actually really happy (and in love) now, and for sure when I'm back home and I'll look back at these days, a rush of adrenaline will pump through my venes and an immense smile will appear on my face again.

Well... I'll continue this story another time. It's better for me, coz I don't want it to get in my head too much for the remaining time I'm here.

So: will be continued... and hopefully love will be continued as well

[Posted in: Ljubljana, Slovenia]


Anonymous said...

feel the love=)

Anonymous said...

I can feel it... can you feel it?

Anonymous said...

rada te imam

Anonymous said...

ik ook van jou