Friday, May 19, 2006

A Frame of Mind (3)

[Posted in: Utrecht, Netherlands ]


Anonymous said...

... and the emerging wave will efface the obvious and in the end make it appear as if it never existed. eternal fight, eternal evanescence. although you may have never been wanting to express it...

Anonymous said...

But words only outline a perception. If these words vanish but the feeling is strong enough, words aren't essential anymore. A glance, a touch or a notion can say more than words can expound. If you let the waves of life conquer your deepest sentiment, then you aren't persistent enough to reach your objectives.

Anonymous said...

words themselves trully convey only the meaning of the notion and not the bare conception, but then the image doesn't express anything. it's a void shape of trivial figures that subsist only to justify the absurdity of antonyms between feelings and needs of expressing them. and no, waves can't touch the inwardness as the sentiments beggar description and are therefore ineffable by vain words.