Monday, February 06, 2006

Floating away

I haven't posted anything for a week now. I guess my inspiration vanished for a while. But last night I had a dream I want to write about. Actually it wasn't that special, coz nothing really happened, but as I normally never remember my dreams, and because it gave me a special compassion.. well, whatever, I'll write it down, and then you can judge.

I don't really remember the start of my dream, but the first thing I remember was that I see an old deteriorated house in the middle of a wheatfield. And as far as I can see, there are only wheatfields to be seen. There is a light breeze, as I can see the wheat cradling in the wind. The sun is burning. But there is absolute silence, not in a deafening way, but a serene naturl silence. The kind of silence you can 'hear' just before a thunderstorm breaks loose.

Well, suddenly I find myself on the porch of this house. I can see the remains of white and old-blue paint, peeling of the walls, and so revealing the old grey-brown wood of which the house is made of. The door seems to be locked, or at least for some reason I'm not able to open it. All the shutters are closed, so it's also impossible to have a look inside. The atmosphere is relaxed, but I'm alert as if I'm expecting
something. Then, again very sudden (or I just can't remember what happened in between), I'm sitting in this big hanging cane rocking chair, still on the same porch, but now there's this girl sitting next to me. I recognize her from real life, but she looks more beautiful then ever, and she is smiling at me with the most sincere, enchanting, devine and honest smile I've ever seen. And immediately I've got a blissful feeling of love inside of me.

Then, I'm walking in a same type of field, surrounded by some trees. White blossom is whirling down from them. I'm alone again. In front of me there's an old overgrown road. I've never been there before, but I'm walking along it, and following it as if I know where it's leading to. The same amorous feeling is still inside me, and I feel completely free. No weight on my shoulders, no oppressive feelings: Only Luck, Freedom and Love. And then, out of the blue, I'm walking with the same girl, hand in hand, over this road.

I don't know if it ended like that, but it's the last thing I can remember. But for me it IS the end of that dream, coz it's one of the most beautiful feelings I've ever experienced. I truly hope, that I can feel this 'sensation' once. And if I do feel it once, the I know that my life will be in calm waters again.

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