Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Back from vacation... and I had a really really good time! The first two days of skiing were quite shit, as I was too cautious, while skiing down the slopes, but when the weather turned bad the fourth day (snow, snow and snow, visibility 20m and windspeeds over 100 km/h) I got 'it' back again, and I had no poblems anymore. I realy had fun with almost everyone. We were with 24 people, and I only knew about 8 of them, but that's absolutely no problem for me, as I like to meet and learn to know new people. So every night I was hanging around in another appartment, chatting with the girls, having fun, playing games and havin some quite interesting dialogues till my eyes couldn't bring up the streng to stay open anymore... and I really felt the need to go to bed.
I felt so relaxed over there. Being in the mountains (some things I REALLY miss in The Netherlands), being free as a bird, not having the feeling that I was committed to anyone or anythingand most of all, being able to avoid the grey mass of rigid, peevish dutch people.

But then: I return. I go back to work, and what are first things I notice? Right: the people I'm no longer able to avoid, the people who are staring into life as if they are blind, waiting for the moment to switch from the blindness for life to the eternal blindness. And while I was having this thought today, I realized that very often I'm actually seeing to much of the negative things in life. Or maybe it's better to say thatI don't always see all the positive things in life. I have to change that. I don't know how, as I don't know if it's possible to do that in a consious way, but I really have to chang that, before I become a colourless part of life.

I think I'm already going to end this post for today. I have thisthing, that if I start thinking about something, that I can't find the words anymore to say what I want to say, because I want to say it in a perfect, all illustrating way... and as I just started with the thinking-thing again, I really have to give that process priority.

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