Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Long time ago since my last post, but meanwhile I have been in Slovenia, Serbia and Macedonia. First a couple of days in Ljubljana, then me and Lara went by train to Belgrade, and visited two days of the Exit Festival in Novi Sad. After those days we went for two days to Macedonia. We visited Skopje, Ohrid and Bitola. The weather was extremely good, with some less comfortable extremes (40 degrees C, and no wind). But mainly the combination of good weather, nice views, nice people and pretty good food made me have a good time.
At the moment I am back again in Belgrade. In a couple of days we will leave by train again to Ljubljana (Slovenia). So three more weeks or so before I am back in Utrecht.
This is it for now. Later I will write some experiences down here... this was just a sign of life, hehe.

[Posted in: Belgrade, Serbia]

Sunday, July 02, 2006


I found this on the net. Nice poem from Billy Collins with an animation of Julian Grey.