Monday, December 26, 2005


Hmm, as it was Christmas yesterday... something has been in my head all Christmas, but I didn't want to fuck up the athmosphere... Not that I didn't have a good time, I mean, I went to my parents to 'celebrate' Christmas, and my brother, my sister and her boyfriend were present as well. We had a great evening, we gourmandized (YES, gourmandized... no comment!), my brother and my sister gave us some presents, I played some pc-game with my brother, and there was a lot to chitchat about... alltogether a nice Christmasday.

But still, I cannot suppress this feeling of fake intimacy. When I think of Christmas, immediately my brain creates a pop-up with this imitation athmosphere on it. It's abhoring... brrr.
Why, oh why do we have to create all this? If people want to make themselves feel good, or make other people feel good, why do we have to do this simultaniously, at this fucking ONE day a year. It would be a better world if we started to live Christmas every day. And I don't mean the Burgundian style of 'living' like we do at Christmas, but I mean the way we disseminate this good vibration, this pulse of conviviality and leniency.

Well, I might be exagerating a little... but the crux remains the same. Yes... maybe I am turning into a Scrooge...

The Beginning

Well, I thought: 'Let's start a blog myself'. I've seen some people around me do the same, and they seemd to have fun sharing some stuff with the world... so I might as well give it a try, right? Maybe I can see it as some good intention for 2006... not that I normally have good intentions forthe upcoming year... but whatever. I'll try to come back with something with 'more content' in a short period of time... I hope :)